ChatGPT maker OpenAI and internet forum Reddit announce content deal

Internet forum Reddit has announced a partnership with ChatGPT maker OpenAI which will see the chatbot get access to Reddit content while also bringing AI tools to the social media platform. Reddit said the deal, and the resulting boost in its ability to use large language models, machine learning and artificial intelligence, would allow it to “improve the user experience for everyone”. The two companies confirmed the deal would see OpenAI bring Reddit content to ChatGPT and “new products”, and would help users discover and engage with Reddit communities by showing them Reddit content, particularly on recent topics sparking discussion on the site. In addition, Reddit users and moderators will get access to new AI-powered features, with the site building tools on OpenAI’s platform of AI models. Reddit also confirmed that OpenAI would become a Reddit advertising partner as part of the deal. Steve Huffman, Reddit co-founder and the firm’s chief executive, said: “Reddit has become one of the internet’s largest open archives of authentic, relevant and always up-to-date human conversations about anything and everything. “Including it in ChatGPT upholds our belief in a connected internet, helps people find more of what they’re looking for and helps new audiences find...

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